Yuuta Okkotsu
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Yuuta Okkotsu

乙骨 憂太(おっこつ ゆうた), Yuuta Okkotsu, 乙骨忧太
Gender: Male
Original Name: 乙骨 憂太(おっこつ ゆうた)


The protagonist of the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College.
A second-year student at the Metropolitan Curse Technical College and a special grade sorcerer. Born on March 7, 2001. Originally from a non-sorcerer family, it is later revealed that he is a descendant of Sugawara no Michizane, a legendary sorcerer and one of the three great vengeful spirits of Japan, and a distant relative of the Gojou family.
Sensitive to the strength and kindness of others, he is caring towards his friends. Initially timid with low self-esteem, he unintentionally harmed those around him, leading him to avoid contact with people. However, after transferring to the technical college, he became more positive and resilient.
Possessed by the special grade vengeful cursed spirit, Rika Orimoto, becoming a "special grade cursed individual." If Yuuta is harmed, Rika manifests and harms the assailant. Initially unable to control Rika, he learned to do so during his first mission after transferring to the college. The engagement ring on his left hand connects him to Rika and is also used to control her and as a medium for his cursed energy. When Yuuta learned sorcery, he could use Rika's "bottomless cursed energy" and "unconditional technique mimicry" due to the "binding of retaining the soul of a loved one." However, his lack of sensory abilities has been pointed out by Panda. He uses a technique that involves channeling cursed energy into his sword.
As a child, he lived in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, where he met Rika in a hospital while she was hospitalized with pneumonia. They returned to the same elementary school together and deeply loved each other. In 2011, Rika gave Yuuta an engagement ring, and he became her fiancé. However, she later died in a traffic accident and became a vengeful spirit, possessing Yuuta. Since then, Rika caused harm to those around him, leading him to distance himself from his family.
In November 2016, Yuuta was bullied by four male classmates at a school in Tokyo, and Rika trapped the four in a locker, leading to Yuuta's capture by sorcerers. Due to the danger posed by Rika, a secret execution was decided upon, which Yuuta accepted. However, following Gojou's suggestion, his execution was postponed, and he transferred to the Curse Technical College as a first-year student in 2017. After enrolling, he aimed to become a sorcerer to exorcise Rika and became close friends with classmates like Inumaki.
On December 24, 2017, during the Night Parade of 100 Demons, he was kept at the college for safety reasons. When his friends were attacked by Getou, Yuuta unleashed Rika in full manifestation and released a massive amount of cursed energy through "pure love," defeating Getou.
It was later revealed that Rika was not cursed by Yuuta out of obsession, leading to her becoming a vengeful spirit. Yuuta broke the master-servant binding, allowing the exorcism to be realized. Rika, restored to her original form, expressed her gratitude to Yuuta and passed on.
After exorcising Rika, Yuuta became a fourth-grade sorcerer but returned to special grade within three months. The current Yuuta uses "Rika," a reserve of external techniques and cursed energy left by Rika, surpassing even Gojou Satoru in terms of cursed energy. Rika can fully manifest within a time limit, and during this time, Yuuta can use his technique to copy others' techniques conditionally. He can also use Domain Expansion, but the details are unknown.
In 2018, during his second year at the college, he was abroad and did not participate in the exchange event. He is depicted in the opening animation of the anime traveling with Miguel.
After the Shibuya Incident, he returned to Japan. Appointed by the higher-ups as Itadori's executioner, he appeared before Itadori and stopped his heart due to a binding with the higher-ups, but simultaneously healed him with a reverse cursed technique. Later, he joined Itadori and others on a separate route in the Culling Game, quickly earning points in the Sendai Barrier and defeating strong sorcerers like Drub, Ujou Tengen, Ishiryuu, and Kokumushi in succession, gaining a large number of points.
A shikigami-like entity accompanying Yuuta after Rika's passing, serving as an external reserve of techniques and cursed energy. Rika appears simplified compared to the special grade vengeful cursed spirit Rika Orimoto, and like her, is intent on protecting Yuuta. When Yuuta connects to Rika through the ring, he can fully manifest Rika, supply cursed energy from Rika to himself, and use his techniques within a five-minute limit. Additionally, his body contains multiple cursed tools.

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