Abel Bluefield
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Abel Bluefield

アベル・ブルーフィールド, Abel Bluefield, 阿贝尔·布卢菲尔德
Gender: Male
Original Name: アベル・ブルーフィールド


A naval officer in the Royal Navy. A calm, collected, and gentlemanly young man. He possesses a charm that bewilders experienced prostitutes. However, he also has a ruthless side, using Cody to punish Max Skyber Jr.
He is interested in and obsessed with Fena. He also has some kind of relationship with O'Malley.
In Episode 7, it was revealed that he was the true culprit who attacked the Houtman family and killed Franz.
Originally the youngest prince of the royal family, he was not taken seriously by those around him. He fell in love with Helena, but lost her due to the exposure of her elopement with Franz and other secrets. He became desperate to win Helena back and went on a rampage, but was stopped by the ghost of Helena and subsequently lost his life.
In the final episode, a boy who looks exactly like him appears.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 3:05 a.m.)

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