Bellehera Langdas
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Bellehera Langdas

ベイルヘイラ・ラングダス, Bellehera Langdas, 蓓依儿海菈·兰古达斯
Gender: Female
Original Name: ベイルヘイラ・ラングダス


Administrator of the Antomurg Dungeon, commonly known as "Bell."
Took over from The Old Master who created the dungeon and managed it alone until Clay arrived. Serves as the floor guardian of the 10th level and the final boss. Her strength in the story is unfathomable.
When enforcing rules within the dungeon, she appears before explorers dressed in a black gothic lolita style, known as the "Executioner."

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(Last edited time: July 3, 2024, 4:47 p.m.)

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