Ririka Chiyoda
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Ririka Chiyoda

千代田 莉々歌(ちよだ りりか), Ririka Chiyoda, 千代田莉莉歌
Original Name: 千代田 莉々歌(ちよだ りりか)


Former child actor turned idol-style YouTuber. Born in 2001, 19 years old.
Characterized by a baby face and twin tails. Initially saw Riho as a rival, but during a live stream, blurted out about crushing "Familia." This caused a controversy that led to the scandal and was a contributing factor to "Family" shutting down.
Since the incident, has been admiring Riho, who is also a former child actor.

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(Last edited time: July 5, 2024, 6:21 p.m.)

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