Touji Fushiguro
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Touji Fushiguro

伏黒 甚爾(ふしぐろ とうじ), Touji Fushiguro, 伏黑甚尔, ぜんいん とうじ, 禪院 甚爾
Original Name: 伏黒 甚爾(ふしぐろ とうじ)


An assassin known by the nickname "Sorcerer Killer," he is Megumi's biological father. He forgot the name of his own son and was so indifferent that he used his son as collateral to raise funds for gambling. He claims to have abandoned his pride and generally avoids trouble, fleeing the scene when he senses danger. Despite being the only person in the world without cursed energy, he is physically gifted due to a very special "Heavenly Restriction," which sharpens his senses such as vision and smell to the point where he can perceive cursed spirits, and he has also acquired resistance to curses, such as ingesting cursed spirits. Moreover, he can escape from the range of Gojou's "Azure" just by jumping and survives being blown away by "Crimson" with only minor injuries, demonstrating extraordinary physical abilities. He carries cursed tools used in combat, which are carried by a tamed cursed spirit (ranked lower than Grade 3) that serves as his arsenal.
Despite his great physical abilities, he cannot exorcise cursed spirits with his bare hands, and thus received harsh treatment from his family, the Zenin clan. Eventually, he left home, married a woman who would become Megumi's mother, and changed his surname to Fushiguro, softening for a while after having a son. However, after his wife passed away and Megumi was in the first grade, he disappeared with the mother of Tsumiki, and thereafter became a gigolo, frequently changing partners.
In the Kaigyoku Arc, he accepts a 30 million yen assassination job from the Bansei Sect's "Vessel of Time" to kill Riko Amanai. Initially, to wear down Gojou, who was guarding Amanai, he placed a 30 million yen bounty on Amanai on an anonymous dark web forum from two days before the assimilation until the day itself, making Gojou and Kamo fight against curse users who were after the bounty.
After the bounty expired on the day of the assimilation, he used his ability to breach the high school's barrier despite having no cursed energy and launched a surprise attack on the school, managing to kill Amanai and fend off Gojou and Kamo. He handed over her body to the Bansei Sect right after, but was defeated by Gojou, who had revived using a reverse cursed technique, and died 2-3 years later after revealing that his son would be sold to the Zenin family.
More than ten years later, when Gojou was sealed, Ogami Baba's spirit summoning technique transferred the physical information of "Zenin Touji" to her granddaughter, but the transferred body (Zenin Touji) overwrote the soul of the medium (granddaughter), resulting in the complete revival of Touji Fushiguro. Touji killed Ogami Baba immediately after his revival, but her death did not stop the spirit summoning technique, which continued due to the unique nature of Zenin Touji, causing the technique to run amok and turn into a killing doll targeting only the strong. He appeared before Megumi and others as they tried to escape from the domain of Tagari, overwhelming Tagari who had been overpowering them. During the battle with Megumi, he realized that he was his son and smiled when Megumi introduced himself as Fushiguro, not Zenin, before taking his own life.

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(Last edited time: June 18, 2024, 12:11 p.m.)

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