Lorraine Vivie
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Lorraine Vivie

ロレーヌ・ヴィヴィエ, Lorraine Vivie, 诺蕾奴·薇薇艾
Gender: Female
Original Name: ロレーヌ・ヴィヴィエ


A scholar and a silver-ranked magician. Called a prodigy from a young age, she earned the title of Grand Doctor at the age of 14.
When Rentt returned from the Water Moon Labyrinth in a ghoul state, he first confided in her about his condition. Later, she agreed to shelter Rentt in exchange for using him in her experiments.
When Rentt, dominated by his ghoul instincts, attacked her, she made remarks indicating that she didn't mind being attacked, suggesting she has feelings for Rentt.

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