Ako Amau
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Ako Amau

天雨アコ, Ako Amau, 天雨亚子
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 165cm
Original Name: 天雨アコ
Resources: Official Website


Affiliated with Gehenna Academy, an administrative officer of the Disciplinary Committee,
acting like a secretary to the Disciplinary Committee Chair, Hina.
At first glance, they seem kind and good-natured, but they are quite unforgiving towards students who violate the rules.
They are always by the side of Hina, the Disciplinary Committee Chair, assisting her.
Because of this, they are sometimes called "Hina's pet" by the students of Gehenna, but they don't particularly mind.

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(Last edited time: April 17, 2024, 4:14 p.m.)

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