Atsuya Kusakabe
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Atsuya Kusakabe

日下部 篤也(くさかべ あつや), Atsuya Kusakabe, 日下部笃也
Original Name: 日下部 篤也(くさかべ あつや)


Second-year homeroom teacher at the Metropolitan Magic Technical College. A first-class sorcerer.
A stern-looking man with reversed black hair, always sucking on a lollipop. He has a sister who lost her sanity after losing her son, and he is grateful to Yaga for saving her mind.
He wears a sword at his waist. A practitioner of the Shin-In style, he reluctantly mastered these techniques to survive. He uses the Shin-In "Sword Draw" and the Iai "Evening Moon." Capable of detecting special-grade cursed spirits. According to Mei Mei, he is a skilled fighter who climbed to first-class without a curse technique, and since him, no other sorcerer has been promoted to first-class in the same way.
During the Shibuya Incident, he entered Shibuya with Panda and got involved in the fight between Jogo and Sukuna along with two executives from the Geto group. In the final stages, he protected Miwa from the attack by the fake Geto's spiral.

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(Last edited time: June 18, 2024, 12:09 p.m.)

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