Utahime Iori
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Utahime Iori

庵 歌姫(いおり うたひめ), Utahime Iori, 庵歌姬
Gender: Female
Age: 31
Original Name: 庵 歌姫(いおり うたひめ)


Utahime Iori is a semi-grade 1 jujutsu sorcerer and the homeroom teacher for the second-year class at the Kyoto school of Jujutsu High. She wears a miko outfit while working. She has a wide scar that stretches from her left cheek, across the bridge of her nose, to the center of her right cheek.
She has a somewhat competitive and short-tempered personality. During her student days, she was underestimated by her juniors, Gojou and Natsu, and she also had a poor opinion of Gojou. However, Gojou secretly trusts her. She is also on good terms with another junior, Ieiri, whom she advised to quit smoking. Her hobbies include watching sports and karaoke, and she likes beer.
Her technique, "Solo Solo Kinku," temporarily amplifies the total amount of cursed energy and output within the range of any sorcerer.
As of 2006, she was a grade 2 sorcerer and had undertaken missions with the grade 1 sorcerer Mei Mei. At that time, she did not have the facial scar.
During the exchange event, she participated as the supervisor from the Kyoto school and was also searching for an insider within the Kyoto school on Gojou's request. During the Shibuya Incident, she headed to Shibuya with other students from the Kyoto school.

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(Last edited time: June 18, 2024, 12:18 p.m.)

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