Yuu Haibara
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Yuu Haibara

灰原 雄(はいばら ゆう), Yuu Haibara, 灰原雄
Original Name: 灰原 雄(はいばら ゆう)


A Grade 2 sorcerer who was a contemporary of Nanami. He came from a non-sorcerer family. He had a younger sister who could see curses, and he strongly advised her not to come to the technical college. In contrast to Nanami, he was always cheerful and amiable around others. He greatly respected his senior, Naoya. He died during a mission to subdue a Grade 2 cursed spirit in his second year at the technical college.

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(Last edited time: June 18, 2024, 12:08 p.m.)

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