Ren Jinguuji
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Ren Jinguuji

神宮寺 レン(じんぐうじ レン), Ren Jinguuji, 神宫寺莲
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Original Name: 神宮寺 レン(じんぐうじ レン)


Member of S Class. Favorite foods are Italian and spicy dishes. Dislikes chocolate. Hobbies include darts. Skilled at playing the saxophone.
The third son of the Jinguuji financial conglomerate, he enrolled at Saotome Academy against his own will. He is free-spirited, friendly, and a feminist, yet also calm, composed, with a sharp intuition and a sensitive side. He is always surrounded by female admirers but dislikes conflicts among them and treats everyone equally.
He is often compared to Masato due to a rivalry stemming from their families' feuds. He usually calls his peers by nicknames, but refers to Masato only by his surname or full name.

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(Last edited time: July 4, 2024, 2:15 p.m.)

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