Otoya Ittoki
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Otoya Ittoki

一十木 音也(いっとき おとや), Otoya Ittoki, 一十木音也
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Original Name: 一十木 音也(いっとき おとや)


Class A member. Likes curry and dislikes bell peppers and black coffee. Hobbies include soccer and sports in general. Skilled in playing the guitar, both acoustic and electric.
An innocent and generous sportsman, always smiling and a popular figure in class. Loves singing and has a strong passion for music. Originally from a child welfare facility. Has acrophobia, though this trait is not included in the anime version.
Roommates and rivals with Tokiya. Plays soccer with Shou.

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(Last edited time: July 4, 2024, 2:13 p.m.)

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