Kuniumi Maitake
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Kuniumi Maitake

舞竹国海(まいたけ くにうみ), Kuniumi Maitake, 舞竹国海
Gender: Male
Original Name: 舞竹国海(まいたけ くにうみ)


Commonly known as "Mighty," but Jody's father calls him "Shiitake," "Takenoko," or "Takenoko Nyokki." His birthday is April 12. His blood type is O. He is an English teacher who was assigned as the assistant homeroom teacher in Risa's class when she was in her third year of high school. He resembles the character "Lord Kane" from the virtual romance game "Love Love Fantasia 2" that Risa often plays, being a tall, handsome man just to Risa's taste. His princely behavior is drawn like a picture, which Nobuko and Ōtani find creepy, but Haruka and Seiko like it. There is also a fan club called the "Mighty Club" (Risa was the founder and first president, but she left the club when she started dating Ōtani). He is one of the few characters in this manga who speaks standard Japanese. His father runs a hotel in Hawaii. He is viewed as a handsome guy if spoken well of, or as a creepy person if spoken ill of.

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(Last edited time: June 19, 2024, 9:34 p.m.)

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