Sakiko Togawa
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Sakiko Togawa

豊川 祥子(とがわ さきこ) / オブリビオニス, Sakiko Togawa, 丰川祥子
Gender: Female
Original Name: 豊川 祥子(とがわ さきこ) / オブリビオニス


Keyboardist and composer. Former member of CRYCHIC. A first-year student at Uguisu Girls' Academy High School, in Class B, next to Tomori and Anon's class. The person responsible for drawing Tomori, Soyo, and Taki into the band scene, but broke off with them after listening to "Kasugakage." Loves playing the piano so much that she always uses her free time to play in the music room. Although her family's situation had deteriorated, leading her to lose interest in restarting the band, she decided to break away from her father, who was dependent on alcohol, and suddenly made a major debut with Ave Mujica. She has been childhood friends and best friends with Hatsuhana, who is in charge of guitar and vocals.
She attended Tsukinomori Girls' Academy Junior High School during her middle school years.

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(Last edited time: May 26, 2024, 4:11 p.m.)

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