Arthur Pencilgon
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Arthur Pencilgon

アーサー・ペンシルゴン / 天音 永遠(あまね とわ), Arthur Pencilgon, 亚瑟·范西尔冈
Gender: Female
Original Name: アーサー・ペンシルゴン / 天音 永遠(あまね とわ)


The vice-owner of the player killer clan "Asura-kai," known by the nickname "Giant Killing" for hunting down game addicts. In real life, she is Japan's most famous charismatic female model, praised by herself and others for her splendid appearance. Her avatar, despite being entirely handmade without using tracing, is deliberately made to closely resemble her real self (with just a little tweaking to approach her ideal). This is done so that even if her appearance is pointed out in the game, no one would associate her villainous play with her real self due to her absolute confidence. She enjoys making excuses that the avatar was made to look like Amane Towa herself.
Age: 24 | Height: 165 cm | Weight: Unknown | Birthday: June 13

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(Last edited time: July 6, 2024, 1:55 a.m.)

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