Haruta Shigemo
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Haruta Shigemo

重面 春太(しげも はるた), Haruta Shigemo, 重面春太
Gender: Male
Original Name: 重面 春太(しげも はるた)


A curse user who cooperates with cursed spirits.
A petite young man with a side tail and a slender build, displaying an innocent smile.
He possesses a vile cruelty that enjoys unilaterally inflicting pain on others for his own enjoyment, particularly favoring the torment of women. He refers to himself as "I."
A user of a technique that accumulates "miracles." He erases and stores small everyday miracles (like consecutive numbers on a digital clock) from Haruta's memory, releasing them in critical moments concerning Haruta's life. The amount of miracles can be identified by the patterns around his eyes, although Haruta himself does not fully understand his own technique and is unaware of the patterns. His weapon is a cursed sword crafted by human hands, which he uses to stab opponents from behind or manipulate like a living creature. He claims to be "weak," and the sword is also held by hand.
During the Exchange Event arc, he infiltrates the event with Mahito and others, responsible for verifying the effects of a contracted cursed technique released by Tanin.
In the Shibuya Incident arc, without knowing the number or arrangement of allies, he attacks Itadori in the vicinity of Shibuya Station under instructions from Urame. Later, he confronts Kugisaki and Nitta, enjoying tormenting them until he is attacked by Nanami, enraged by the sight of the sacrificed Itadori and others. Afterwards, he revives by consuming the accumulated miracles but dies from Sukuna's slash after being involved in the Shibuya Incident.

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(Last edited time: June 18, 2024, 12:11 p.m.)

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