Arata Nitta
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Arata Nitta

新田 新(にった あらた), Arata Nitta, 新田新
Gender: Male
Original Name: 新田 新(にった あらた)


First-year student at the Kyoto Metropolitan Curse Technical College. Younger brother of Arata Nitta. Blond with sanpaku eyes. Speaks in Kansai dialect.
Because he was a first-year, he couldn't participate in the 2018 Exchange Event.
A user of a technique that stops the worsening of wounds. However, it doesn't heal them, and any wounds incurred later are not covered by the technique.
Appeared in Shibuya with Todo, applied the technique to both Itadori and Kugisaki, and then withdrew with Kugisaki. At that time, he mistakenly thought Itadori was Todo's real younger brother.

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(Last edited time: June 18, 2024, 12:13 p.m.)

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