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奈月彦(なづきひこ), Wakamiya, 奈月彦, 若宫
Gender: Male
Original Name: 奈月彦(なづきひこ)


Wakamiya Hidetsugu is the child of the "True Golden Crow." He is the son of Kin'u Dainami Hiko and his concubine Izayoi. He has the noble features of the Nishi family on his mother's side, known for their beautiful men and women, and possesses a philanthropic spirit due to being the "True Golden Crow." However, due to the political circumstances surrounding him, he shows little concern for the affections of women. Until he was married, he studied abroad under the Tengu in the outer world (human realm).

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(Last edited time: June 23, 2024, 3:41 p.m.)

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