Shizuku Yaegashi
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Shizuku Yaegashi

八重樫 雫(やえがし しずく), Shizuku Yaegashi, 八重坚雫
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Original Name: 八重樫 雫(やえがし しずく)


Occupation: Swordsman
One of the heroines of the story. A classmate of Hajime and best friend of Kaori.
Her family runs an ancient martial arts dojo called "Yaegashi-ryu," and her swordsmanship is of national level. She has long hair tied in a ponytail, stands at 172 cm tall, and has a toned body, which, along with her dignified aura, attracts many fans (mostly female). Among them are overly enthusiastic "soul sisters" who call her "big sister" and can be found everywhere, both on Earth and Tortus, sometimes taking extreme actions. She is caring and relied upon by her classmates, but she is actually delicate for her age, likes cute things, and has a girly personality. She wants to be treated as a girl and prefers men who are reliable enough to protect her.
She showed signs of talent in swordsmanship at the age of four, which led her to pursue the path of the sword due to the expectations of her family and disciples. She had a crush on Kouki when he first joined the dojo, but during elementary school, she began to receive jealousy and harassment from other girls who disliked her being with Kouki. After consulting Kouki, the situation worsened, leading her to develop a dislike for him. Now, she no longer has feelings for him and treats him like a "troublesome younger brother." On the other hand, she feels a deep gratitude towards Kaori, who saved her from that environment, and they share a strong friendship, although sometimes it goes too far, making her hallucinate lilies.
Among Kouki's childhood friends, she is the most sensible and supports them through their troubles. She cares about Hajime, who is often troubled by Kaori and Kouki, and always comes to apologize to him secretly afterward. Hajime is aware of her hardships and they have become relatively close. She knows why Kaori is in love with Hajime and supports it. Initially, she did not think highly of Hajime, but as she observed him, she realized he was a different type of person and became interested in him, not caring about the jealousy from others, and internally rated him as the strongest "hearted" person. While accompanying Kaori to research Hajime's hobbies, she gained some otaku knowledge, which she uses to tease Hajime, earning her the title of "final boss" from Yue and others.
In battle, she, along with Kouki and Ryutaro, takes the front line. Unlike Kouki, who acts without observing the situation, she calmly assesses the battlefield and gives instructions, earning her a higher evaluation as a hero than Kouki from Cattleya. Initially, her weapon was not a sword, which prevented her from demonstrating her full power.
After the battle with Cattleya, she entrusted Kaori's care to Hajime, threatening to spread an embarrassing nickname if he mistreated her. Also, her weapon was damaged during the battle with Cattleya, so Hajime gave her a black sword he had made as a thank you, which she initially described as "just hard and sharp," but it was actually a masterpiece comparable to national treasures like holy swords, and with the efforts of Worpens, it was equipped with a magic circle to utilize the black sword's abilities.
After the invasion of the royal capital, feeling her own weakness, she decided to become stronger and joined Hajime's journey along with Kouki. Since recognizing Hajime as a reliable person, she has let her guard down around him, often being teased by him and occasionally showing her true self. This closeness has made Yue and others wary, and Gahard warned her not to fall for him.
During the operation to rescue Cam, she and Kouki acted as a diversion in the imperial capital, but due to reluctantly wearing a pink mask suggested by Hajime and pushed by everyone else, she was treated most suspiciously by the imperial soldiers, which deeply depressed her and became a trauma.
In the Haltina Sea of Trees, she was the only one among Kouki's group to successfully conquer the labyrinth due to her strong mental strength, but during the trials, she became aware of her feelings for Hajime, causing intense turmoil and conflict.
In the Ice Snow Cave, she fought against her own illusion but couldn't face her inner self and was cornered by her feelings for Hajime, but was saved by Hajime at the last moment, who encouraged her to stand up, and after confronting her again, she won. She then acknowledged and accepted that she loves Hajime, who protects her.

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(Last edited time: May 26, 2024, 11:53 a.m.)

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