Utena Hiiragi
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Utena Hiiragi

柊 うてな(ひいらぎ うてな), Utena Hiiragi, 柊宇天那
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Original Name: 柊 うてな(ひいらぎ うてな)


The protagonist of this work is a middle school student who serves as a female executive of the evil organization "Enormita." She collects magical girl merchandise and is passionate about topics related to magical girls, admiring them. Initially unaware, she is a true sadist and occasionally acts out against her adversaries. She has a preference for messing up magical girls with her own hands, teasing and humiliating them using her powers before retreating, although she also believes that magical girls should be revered and admired by everyone, and shows no mercy towards the corruption of magical girls, disliking the complete defeat of magical girls and harboring strong hostility towards the Lord Group, which repeatedly subjugated magical girls, deciding to defeat the Lord Group.
She is skilled in sewing, a skill taught by her mother, and once repaired a doll that Korisu cherished. However, her grades plummeted due to her involvement with Enormita and getting hooked on SM books prepared by Venalita, causing disruptions in her daily life, with her mother nearly throwing away her magical girl merchandise.
Magia Base
Utena's transformed appearance. Normally, she has two stars, but the number increases as her emotions intensify, with over 20 stars observed during the battle with Lord Enorme.
Her weapon is a horsewhip adorned with a cross star called "Fulsta Dominate," which transforms touched objects into demons. She also actively engages in striking attacks with the whip.

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(Last edited time: April 30, 2024, 12:12 p.m.)

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