Gaios Anzem
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Gaios Anzem

ガイオス・アンゼム, Gaios Anzem, 盖伊欧斯·安杰姆
Gender: Male
Original Name: ガイオス・アンゼム


One of the Seven Demon Emperors. A giant with a demonic appearance and red-black skin. He wields magic that creates demonic swords and swings the giant sword "Greatest Demon Sword Glajesion" himself.
He attends the academy as a special instructor for special training and battles Anos, but is easily defeated by Anos, the progenitor of the Demon King. When Anos traced the past and memories with magic, it was found that, like Ivis, there were two origins, and there were signs that someone had taken over two thousand years ago.

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(Last edited time: June 29, 2024, 5:59 p.m.)

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