Chinatsu Hinomiya
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Chinatsu Hinomiya

火宮チナツ, Chinatsu Hinomiya, 火宫千夏
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Height: 159cm
Original Name: 火宮チナツ
Resources: Official Website


Affiliated with Gehenna Academy, in charge of medical care on the Disciplinary Committee.
A rare voice of reason within the Disciplinary Committee, which values regulations, discipline, and procedures, acting as a brake when other members like Ako and Iori go on a rampage.
Her speech is formal, often giving the cold impression of a "typical disciplinary committee member," but she is a kind girl who completely melts in front of cute animals.

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(Last edited time: April 17, 2024, 4:17 p.m.)

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