Mira Gotokuji
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Mira Gotokuji

豪徳寺ミラ(ごうとくじ ミラ), Mira Gotokuji, 豪德寺米拉
Gender: Female
Original Name: 豪徳寺ミラ(ごうとくじ ミラ)


Owner and landlord of the breakfast-included share house "Asutoro Manor." Occupies room number 9, which is slightly larger than the other residents'. Culinary skills are disastrously bad, leading to the hiring of a chef due to the residents' requests. Actually lacks common sense to a significant degree, not even owning a smartphone. The true identity is the heir to the throne of planet Mibo.

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(Last edited time: April 7, 2024, 8:55 p.m.)

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