Voll Jii
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Voll Jii

フォル爺, Voll Jii, 佛鲁爷爷
Gender: Male
Original Name: フォル爺


An elderly dwarf living in a village in the Kura region. A long-lived companion of Frieren, who she says "gave us the chance to know the Himmels." A veteran warrior who has protected the village for nearly 400 years, Sein calls him "an incredible old man." He feigned senility to catch others off guard and guided Stark. The villagers, unable to hold a conversation and having no friends, treated him as a senile old man, unaware of the reason he protected the village. The reason he became the village's guardian deity was because of a promise to his deceased human wife.

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(Last edited time: May 1, 2024, 10:11 p.m.)

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