

ゴウル / ゴザル, 高爾

Character Introduction

The Demon King, said to possess the strongest power in history, is a pacifist. As a result, he faces pressure from the pro-war faction, including his younger brother Yuigarde. After receiving a report from Uliminas, he visits the human territory under the alias "Gholl" to recruit Flio and meets Flio and Fenris. During this time, he becomes interested in Balirossa, who did not react despite being nearby (in reality, she was simply frozen in fear).
When the blond hero attempts to recruit Flio through coercion and Flio escapes using teleportation magic, the Demon King arrives by chance, mistakenly believes it to be the blond hero's doing, and orders the Demon King's army to invade, starting a war. He later orders a retreat to avoid purification magic. After resuming the search for Flio, he eventually visits the human territory again in the guise of "Gholl" and reunites with Flio and the others. On his way back, Yuigarde's rebellion occurs, and he deems himself unfit to be the Demon King, resigns, gives all his possessions as severance pay to the dismissed intelligence unit, and goes to live with Flio as a freeloader.

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(Last edited time: Sept. 6, 2024, 2:37 p.m.)

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