Yasumi Utatane
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Yasumi Utatane

佐藤 由美子(さとう ゆみこ), Yasumi Utatane, 佐藤由美子, うたたね やすみ, 歌種 やすみ
Gender: Female
Original Name: 佐藤 由美子(さとう ゆみこ)


One of the protagonists of this work. She's a high school second-year student who moves up to third year. Her character is set as a lively and cute type, but in reality, she's a gal-style girl. She belongs to the voice acting agency Choco Brownie and was born on October 12th. She's in her third year since her debut, but recently she's been having frustrating days as she's not passing auditions. Her father has passed away due to an accident, and she lives with her mother, who works at a snack bar, in a single-family home that is her maternal grandparents' house. She's good at cooking. Her dream is to appear in the popular anime for girls, "Magical Girl Pretty Series". While she's resistant to Chika Watanabe, she acknowledges the abilities of Yuhi Yugure.

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(Last edited time: July 4, 2024, 3:51 p.m.)

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