Alice Rapidshot

Alice Rapidshot

アリス・ラピッドショット, 爱丽丝·急速射手
Gender: Female
Voice Actor: Ayaka Asai
Featured Anime: Undead Murder Farce

Character Introduction

Lloyd's Advisory Security Division 3rd Agent. A 16 or 17-year-old girl with splendid blonde hair wearing a brimmed hat. She has a lovely face, but her eyes are sharp like a mafia's, and she frequently uses the word "damn" in her rough speech. A master shooter, her beloved gun is an American-made Colt Thunderer. Her father, a legendary Western gunslinger known by the nickname "Rapidshot," was eaten by the surviving antelope demon (Delget) and she joined Lloyd's for revenge.

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(Last edited time: Aug. 22, 2024, 2:58 a.m.)

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