Toge Inumaki
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Toge Inumaki

狗巻 棘(いぬまき とげ), Toge Inumaki, 狗卷棘
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Original Name: 狗巻 棘(いぬまき とげ)


A second-year student at the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College and a semi-grade 1 sorcerer. He is a descendant of the "Cursed Speech User" from the Inumaki family and wields the advanced technique of "Cursed Speech" passed down through his family. This technique involves amplifying and enforcing the spirit of words by imbuing his own voice with cursed energy, allowing him to materialize whatever he says. For example, saying "Explode" can cause the target to explode, and saying "Twist" can literally twist the target. The technique is also effective through mobile phone voice calls and can be amplified through a loudspeaker to increase its effective range. However, continuous use or using more powerful commands increases the physical strain on his body, and misuse can cause him to suffer damage from the cursed speech itself.
Due to the nature of his technique, to prevent unintentionally cursing people, he limits his vocabulary in conversation to the ingredients of rice balls. The creator, Akutami, suggests that there is a certain pattern to his vocabulary, where "salmon" means affirmation and "bonito flakes" mean negation. Additionally, the corners of his mouth and his tongue bear the Inumaki family's cursed seals, "Snake Eyes" and "Fangs," and he always covers his mouth with a high-neck garment except during combat.
His difficulty in conversation often makes him feared by those around him, but he is actually gentle and kind-hearted, always caring for his comrades. Since he was born with the ability to use cursed speech, he unintentionally cursed people during his childhood. After entering the Curse Technical College, he was concerned about Okkotsu, who had unintentionally hurt those around him due to Rika.
Although overshadowed by Yuuji and Maki, he also possesses high physical abilities.
During the Shibuya Incident, he was severely injured, losing his left arm, when he was caught in the rampage of Yuuji (Sukuna).

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(Last edited time: June 18, 2024, 12:16 p.m.)

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