Ritsu Amachi
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Ritsu Amachi

天地律(あまち りつ), Ritsu Amachi, 天地律
Gender: Female
Original Name: 天地律(あまち りつ)


Executive Producer of "Shangri-La Frontier". He balances the game based on the world created by Tsukuyo Tsukuri, but often ends up significantly weakening the enemies, leading to Tsukuyo Tsukuri furiously claiming that Wethermon the Tombguard should not have been defeated according to the settings, resulting in a childish scuffle between them. He was also involved in the development of "Fairy Chronicle Online" in the past, but due to circumstances beyond his control, he ended up releasing an extremely terrible game.

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(Last edited time: July 6, 2024, 2:02 a.m.)

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