Ren Adashino
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Ren Adashino

化野 蓮(あだしの れん), Ren Adashino, 化野连
Gender: Male
Original Name: 化野 蓮(あだしの れん)


A boy who works at the same Midori Bookstore as Sumireko and is her friend. His true identity is a drifter from another world. He is collecting oddities to return Oto to his original world. In reality, he is not her brother. The inspiration for his name comes from the novelist Ren Adashino. According to Nujima, his favorite author is Shuntaro Tanikawa, and he became friends with Sumireko through discussions about Tanikawa's picture book "Ngu Ma Ma."

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(Last edited time: April 10, 2024, 2:09 p.m.)

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