Sara Da Odin
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Sara Da Odin

サラ・ダ・オディン, Sara Da Odin, 萨拉·达·奥丁
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Original Name: サラ・ダ・オディン


13 years old.
A princess from another world and a magician. Her homeland was destroyed, and she was transported to this world, where she was found by Sōsuke. She quickly adapted to modern Japan and lives her days happily. Currently, she is living together with Sōsuke in his office, although initially, Sōsuke told her to leave soon. At that time, she mentioned that the condition was to erase memories using memory magic, but she had never cast memory magic before, and there was a possibility that years of memories could be lost, making her a shell of a person. Fearing this, Sōsuke allowed her to stay in his office. She refers to herself as "warawa".

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(Last edited time: April 5, 2024, 4:33 p.m.)

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