Euphyllia "Euphy" Magenta
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Euphyllia "Euphy" Magenta

ユフィリア・マゼンタ / ユフィリア・フェズ・パレッティア, Euphyllia "Euphy" Magenta, 尤菲莉亚·玛赞塔
Gender: Female
Original Name: ユフィリア・マゼンタ / ユフィリア・フェズ・パレッティア


The other protagonist of this work, 15 years old, nicknamed "Euphy." She is the daughter of Duke Magenta and was engaged to the future king Algald, diligently training to become a queen. However, at a noble academy's soirée, Algald abruptly breaks off their engagement for reasons she cannot comprehend, leaving her stunned. At that moment, she is rescued and whisked away by Anisphia.
After interacting with Lumielle, she forms a spirit contract and becomes an adopted child of the royal family, thereby gaining the right to the throne. Following the abdication of Orphans, she ascends as queen and begins to implement reforms.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 11:44 p.m.)

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