Ja Wangnan
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Ja Wangnan

王野 成 (おうじ なる), Ja Wangnan, 吉王男, 자 왕난
Gender: Male
Original Name: 王野 成 (おうじ なる)


A young man who has repeatedly failed the 20th Floor E-rank Regular's test and as a result, is covered in debts from loan sharks. He possesses a ring with the Zahard's emblem and calls himself "the man who will become the king of the tower," though his combat skills are mediocre. He is highly emotional and easily gets depressed, but he is spirited and generally optimistic and light-hearted. He dislikes acts that go against humanity, such as cowardice, but he won't hesitate if it means surviving.

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(Last edited time: June 28, 2024, 9:32 p.m.)

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