Aug. 30, 2024 (Current Version)

Mansuke Jinnouchi
阵内万助 陣内 万助(じんのうち まんすけ)
70 years old. The second son of Sakae and Kazuma's grandfather. He runs a fishery business at the Niigata fishing port. He is an active fisherman who also takes his own boat out and is physically strong with knowledge of Shaolin Kempo. In a family where the male side is relatively weaker due to the matriarchal nature, he stands out as one of the most action-oriented members of the clan. During the second confrontation with Love Machine, he transported a fishing boat equipped with a generator from Niigata Port to his home to supplement the lacking electricity, and he also sent his own avatar (a samurai-style squid) to charge at Love Machine. He takes pride in the fact that the Jinnouchi ancestors served the Sanada family, specifically Masayuki Sanada and his son Nobushige (Yukimura) Sanada, and participated in the First and Second Battles of Ueda as part of the Sanada forces, achieving military success in defending their homeland by troubling the invading Tokugawa army (led by Ieyasu Tokugawa himself in the first battle, and by his son Hidetada in the second as Ieyasu was at the Battle of Sekigahara). He proposed to Kenji a strategy inspired by the tactics used in the two Battles of Ueda (particularly the second), which involved luring the enemy into their territory, closing the gates to trap them, and then crushing them. However, this plan was on the verge of success but ultimately failed because Shota took a large amount of ice, which was being used to cool the computers, to cool Sakae's body, causing the computers to overheat and rendering Kazuma's efforts futile. In the novel version, he is complimented on his squid by Kenji, which makes him take a liking to Kenji.

(Edit Author: K K)