April 25, 2024 (Current Version )

Nirengeki Shouda
庄田二连击 庄田 二連撃(しょうだ にれんげき) / マインズ
Male student. Characterized by being somewhat petite, slightly chubby, and having large eyes. Honest and serious. Intelligent and also devises strategies. His hero costume includes a jacket with protectors, a monocle-type HMD on his left eye, and gloves equipped with a radar. According to Shouda, people call him a "movable blessed body." "Quirk": Twin Impact Allows a shock that has been generated once to be generated again at any chosen time. The second shock is twice as strong as the first. Twin Impact Release (Twin Impact Fire) A technique that generates the second shock by shouting "Release (Fire)."

(Edit Author: K K)