July 12, 2024 (Current Version)

Souken Ishida
石田宗弦 石田 宗弦(いしだ そうけん)
Birthday:March 22
Father of Ryugen Ishida and grandfather to Uryuu Ishida, they shared a mentor-student relationship as Quincies. He once argued for the necessity of Quincies to the Soul Reapers, but was ignored and ultimately attacked and killed by a Hollow. The late arrival of the Soul Reapers was due to Mayuri Kurotsuchi's interference, and even after becoming a spirit, he was cruelly used as a research subject. Once, he was shocked when Uryuu criticized his Quincy uniform design as "ugly". It seems he was once part of the Wandenreich but was expelled for unknown reasons. In the anime-only Bount arc, he appeared as a spirit to Uryuu after his battle with Yoshi. Though absent in the flashback scenes depicting his son’s high school days due to his training, it is indicated that he was already estranged from his wife, Isuzu, and Ryugen.

(Edit Author: K K)