April 25, 2024 (Current Version )

Kendo Rappa
乱波肩动 乱波 肩動(らっぱ けんどう)
One of the Eight Bullets. Driven to a life of fighting due to being suppressed by his parents, he became a battle maniac. Originally, he was in an illegal underground fighting ring, where he easily defeated most opponents or made them lose their will to fight, leading to a life of frustration without being able to exert his full strength. He was recruited by Overhaul to join the Eight Bullets, challenged him to a fight but was defeated instantly, and has been aiming to take his head ever since joining, but continues to lose. Known as a "beast" by Chronostasis for his belligerence, he has his own aesthetic, such as guiding opponents who have managed to strike him back to the medical room. "Quirk": Strong Shoulder His shoulders rotate at an incredible speed, unleashing powerful rapid punches. His punches can negate Fat Gum's absorption and can easily tear apart Kirishima's hardened skin with their formidable power.

(Edit Author: K K)