July 2, 2024 (Current Version)

雫 雫(しずく)
Daughter of Suwa Yorishige. She dresses like a shrine maiden and exhibits exceptional skills in mystic arts and clerical work, assisting Yorishige. Somewhat of a sharp-tongued individual, she never covers for her somewhat suspicious-looking father, leading to frequent complaints from Yorishige. He plans to eventually appoint Shizuku as Hōjō Tokiyuki’s steward to manage household affairs. Having traveled around Shinano for religious ceremonies, she's well-versed in various pieces of information and is skilled in networking and proposing strategies due to her connectivity with many generals. Though not as much as Yorishige, she has a sharp intuition, able to distance herself from dangerous situations as if predicting the future. Despite her young age, she is intelligent but has an air of being detached from the fleeting world. She shares a master-servant relationship with Tokiyuki, who is the same age as her, and her affection for him as a woman is evident when she blushes and proposes to address him as "brother" upon Yorishige’s advice to use a different name in front of outsiders to conceal Tokiyuki’s true identity.

(Edit Author: K K)