Aug. 17, 2024 (Current Version)

Noriie Ishido
石塔范家 石塔範家(いしどう のりいえ)
The head of the fifth group. A dedicated warrior who embodies simplicity and strength, but he has an eccentric side, often fantasizing about his ideal woman, "Shirabyōshi Tennyo Tsuruko-chan." He even has a modern-style moe illustration of her painted on the front of his large armor. He continuously hones his skills to become an ideal hero worthy of his imaginary perfect girlfriend. In the Nakasenada rebellion, he marches out with the first wave and supports the Iwamatsu army. He engages in battle with Ayako, acknowledges the beauty in her gritty way of life, and offers his own head.

(Edit Author: A A)