Sept. 13, 2024 (Current Version)

Keita Takekawa
岳川启太 ケイタ / 岳川 啓太(たけかわ けいた)
"God Candidate" Rank BB. With an arrogant personality, he uses his abilities to trap people he dislikes. He kidnaps and confines the sexy actress "Miki Piyo." A big fan of "Wonder Children." Skilled in information gathering. Through Goro's ability, he managed to publish a work in the magazine where "Wonder Children" was on hiatus, and Mitsuko successfully moved from the page Keita started reading. Due to his lack of combat ability, he was ultimately beaten up by her, had his ability nullified, and was exiled to Antarctica. His ability is "Fact Trading (FX)," which turns false events into reality. He manifests a bizarre typewriter-like control console, allowing him to manipulate information at will, from rumors and online news to graffiti in public restrooms.

(Edit Author: K K)