Aug. 31, 2024 (Current Version)

Hiroto Maehara
前原阳斗 前原 陽斗(まえはら ひろと)
Birthday:December 6
Blood Type:B
Attendance number 22. A male student with bright hair and well-groomed appearance. He is popular among girls due to his active nature and athletic prowess, but he has a bad reputation with women, dating multiple girls at once, and accepting his demotion to Class E with a mature, cool demeanor, which can also be seen as a rather precocious mindset. He is a close friend of Isogai, having been neighbors and friends since elementary school, and they often act together both in public and private. He ranks second among the boys in knife skills. Although he approached almost all the girls in Class E, he was rejected by all of them, except for Kataoka, whom he didn't approach out of loyalty to his friend. He was dating Kaho Tsuchiya from Class C, but when it was revealed that she was two-timing him with Seo after he was demoted to Class E, he was looked down upon by Kaho for being in Class E and was kicked around by Seo and his friends, which left him deeply saddened and almost distrustful of people. However, the next day, after taking revenge on Kaho and Seo with the help of Class E students, he was encouraged by Koro-sensei and recovered from the shock. Nevertheless, his bad reputation with women remained unchanged, much to the dismay of those around him. Later, after spending time in Class E, he became interested in Okano, but during Valentine's Day, he used her in an assassination plan without her consent, which infuriated her as she secretly had feelings for him. He worked hard to earn her forgiveness and eventually reconciled with her. After entering university, he became so engrossed in club activities that he repeated a year, but the connections he made there led him to secure a job at a major advertising agency.

(Edit Author: K K)