Aug. 23, 2024 (Current Version)

Yoshinobu Tokugawa
德川庆喜 徳川慶喜
Birthday:September 29
Blood Type:A
Born on September 29. Libra. Height 165cm, 50kg, blood type A. Hometown is Edo (Tokyo). Special skill is "Natural Heavenly Song." Hobbies are shogi and tea. Favorite food is all kinds of wagashi, dislikes strawberries. The 15th shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate. Extremely lonely and fears being alone more than anything. Perhaps because of this, he is heavily dependent on Naosuke Ii, the only one who stays by his side, and spreads the heavenly song as per his instructions. Refers to himself as "Yo" (in the anime version, "Boku"). Although lonely, he has a cheerful and innocent personality. Loves to sing, but due to the power of his song causing people to go mad, he is unable to sing and is feared for this power, leading to his confinement in Nijō Castle. After the death of Naosuke Ii, he was so overwhelmed by loneliness that he was possessed by the ghost of Tokugawa and went on a rampage, but was saved by Ryōma. Afterward, he accepted Naosuke's death and became friends with Ryōma, who calls him "Yoshi." In the game version, he remained confined, but in the anime, he often sneaks out of the castle to explore the town out of boredom. His personality is portrayed as more childish than in the original. He meets Ryōma in episode 1 and shows interest in his guitar and songs, and in the final episode, he is depicted playing the guitar. His tone and self-reference change when acting as a shogun and when being himself.

(Edit Author: K K)