Aug. 30, 2024 (Current Version)

Ryohei Jinnouchi
阵内了平 陣内 了平(じんのうち りょうへい)
17 years old. Kunihiko's eldest son. Ace pitcher of the Ueda High School baseball team. Despite being at a disadvantage in a game that would determine their entry to Koshien, he pitched through to extra innings and finally secured a spot in Koshien. In the story, he is primarily focused on the game that determines their entry to Koshien until the chaos in OZ is resolved. Like his father, he tends to show his emotions openly. In the edited broadcast version on 'Friday Roadshow,' all of his scenes are cut due to the fact that his character does not interact with the main storyline for the aforementioned reasons.

(Edit Author: K K)