Aug. 8, 2024 (Current Version)

Shigenobu Kurasagi
藏杉重信 蔵杉 重信(くらすぎ しげのぶ)
A 27-year-old man with a prematurely aged face. His weapon is a sasumata. He is disillusioned with his life, working tirelessly for a wife and children who neglect him. During the final confrontation with Akira's group, he vents his frustrations to Kencho, but Kencho retorts, "Have you ever expressed gratitude to your wife, listened to her true feelings or complaints, or given her even a single flower on your anniversary? You were the one who lost interest in her first and disappointed her." This enrages him. However, Kencho's self-sacrificial actions lead to both of them being thrown into a horde of zombies under a house's roof. Kencho, naked, dives into a manure pit to evade the zombies, leaving him to be chased by the zombies alone. While fleeing, he touches an electric fence that Kanbayashi had set to maximum voltage, gets electrocuted, and is defeated.

(Edit Author: K K)