Aug. 16, 2024 (Current Version)

Hazelita Aldridge
赫赛莉塔·艾德里奇 ヘーゼリッタ・オルドリッジ
A young lady from a distinguished family living in the western town, who came to the church of Lawrence to bring back her tutor, Abel. Abel calls her "Miss." She had little experience talking to peers privately and was initially awkward with Cecilia, but they are now good friends. She has an impulsive personality and a poor sense of direction, often getting lost. According to Abel, "If she were an animal, she'd be a boar." Although she cherishes Cecilia, she often misfires and struggles to keep up with Cecilia's sensibilities. Due to a past event when she couldn't save the ill Frederica, she wishes for the happiness of the "saints" and will not forgive anyone trying to use a saint for their own benefit. She initially doubted Lawrence but soon resolved her misunderstanding, and now spends her days troubled by the frustrating distance between him and Cecilia.

(Edit Author: K K)