Sept. 7, 2024 (Current Version)

Fumi Tachibana
立花富美 立花 冨美(たちばな ふみ)
An elderly woman. She is the grandmother of Taki Tachibana, mentioned later. According to Hodaka, "She's about the same age as my grandmother." She wrote on the "Sunshine Girl Service" website, requesting for the weather to be clear on the day of her husband's first Obon. When Hodaka and Hina visited for work, she shared a story about "a realm beyond the sky where the deceased reside." Later, due to heavy rain submerging her home, she moved to an apartment west of the submerged area (around Takashimadaira Station). Subsequently, she made another request on the website. When Hodaka visited to inform her that the request couldn't be fulfilled, she expressed her belief that "the submerged area was once the sea before the Edo period, and it's just returned to its original state." Additionally, in this scene, a braided bracelet can be seen on Fumi's right hand.

(Edit Author: K K)