July 17, 2024 (Current Version)

Takeru Noto
武能登 武 能登(タケル ノト)
Birthday:May 30
Blood Type:B
Second Class Firefighter of Special Fire Force Company 2. 18 years old. Height 203 cm. Birthday is May 30th. Born in the Chinese Peninsula. His nickname is "Juggernaut," which refers to his ability and his family's potato farming background, as well as his surname "Noto." A third-generation pyrokinetic who can shape flames into forms like missiles and other offensive weapons. When wearing his firefighting gear, he appears heavily clothed, which makes it seem like he's taking major damage from enemy attacks, but actually, the hits are not reaching his body, earning him the nickname "pseudo-immortal character." Despite being quite timid and not good with fire, he works as a firefighter, thinking that "if I'm surrounded by firefighters, I can always be extinguished." He participates in the Firefighting Newcomer Tournament with Shinra, Arthur, and Tamaki. During a battle with the Evangelist's followers underground, he protects Tamaki and suffers severe injuries, losing his right arm and left leg, but barely survives. Technique: HSR

(Edit Author: K K)