Aug. 12, 2024 (Current Version)

畢娜 ピナ
By a series of coincidences, Pina became Silica's successfully tamed familiar in SAO. A small, light blue dragon-type rare monster, its name comes from a cat she owns in real life with the same name. Although its combat abilities are not high, it supports Silica with its detection ability to alert her of approaching monsters, various breath attacks, and a healing ability that recovers a small amount of Silica's HP. Especially in terms of healing, it is extremely valuable in Aincrad, where recovery is usually only possible through items. In SAO, Pina dies protecting Silica during a battle, an action that goes beyond its algorithm, but is revived thanks to a resurrection item Silica obtained with Kirito's help. When transitioning to ALO, Pina's character data from SAO was carried over, allowing it to continue supporting Silica as her familiar. It displays various abilities such as a dazzling magic that disrupts monster attacks and boosting Silica's gliding distance. Unlike regular familiars, which do not always execute their master's commands perfectly, Pina has never disobeyed Silica and often shows behavior that deviates from its original algorithm, such as sleeping on Kirito's stomach when encountering him asleep.

(Edit Author: K K)