Sept. 13, 2024 (Current Version)

弟弟 弟
His appearance is like a black and white mottled cow person with a beard on his chin. He is about six to seven years younger than Hiromu Arakawa. Arakawa's younger brother (youngest sibling). In his childhood, there was an incident where he was run over and trapped under the rear wheel of a tractor driven by Oyaji-dono. Miraculously, he only sustained a slight scratch. Additionally, while he was in the lower grades of elementary school, he was once made to try riding a motorcycle that Oyaji-dono had brought home (unregistered and without a license plate). Since he couldn't reach the ground, he experienced the irrationality of being asked, "Why can't you do it?" even when he failed. Deciding to pursue a career in caregiving when his grandfather became bedridden, he took a year off to attend a university in Tokyo. When he failed the entrance exam the first time, his family half-threateningly urged him, saying, "If you fail again, you'll be forced to take over the family!" and "Don't even think about taking it a second time!!!!" He passed the following year. However, as the eldest despite being the youngest, he was ranked first in the "line of succession," so he was troubled if this was truly the right path even after moving to Tokyo.

(Edit Author: K K)