Aug. 15, 2024 (Current Version)

Izuna Hatsuse
初瀨伊綱 初瀬 いづな(はつせ いづな)
She has black hair and black eyes, along with large, long ears and a tail like a fennec. She is a young girl, single-digit in age. She serves as the Eastern Federation Ambassador in Elkia. Due to the influence of her grandfather, Ino Hatsuse, she speaks incorrect human language. She is a genius gamer, capable of closely competitive matches with 『 』, but she is completely inept in matters outside of gaming. Because of this, she has grown attached to Sora and Shiro, seeing them as kindred spirits. She has a competitive streak and often challenges Sora and Shiro to games. Regarding games against other nations, it seems she has been constantly fighting to protect her country since inheriting that responsibility from Ino, resulting in little time for enjoyment. She is one of the few individuals capable of 'Blood Destruction' and used her full power to battle Sora and the others in the fight against Elkia. During this time, she began to experience the true joy of gaming. She is one of the protagonists in the spin-off work "No Game No Life, Desu!" She ranked fourth place in the "MF Bunko J Heroine Contest 2015 in Melonbooks."

(Edit Author: K K)